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7 Signs That Your Life Force (Chi) is in Danger

You’ve probably heard of Qi, Chi, Gi or Ki, or life force. They say this is a concept, but it is more real than you might think.

Qi is a form of energy, just as electricity is a form of energy. You also have electromagnetic energy. That’s the “radiation” that, for example, allows us to communicate wirelessly at a distance. Think cell phones, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, Wifi, and normal radio broadcasts that you can receive over the air.

Many forms of energy

It is a fact that energy exists in many forms and they usually have one thing in common: you usually cannot see them with the naked eye.

Sometimes I hear people say that they only believe in what they can see. Then I ask them, “Do you believe in AC current? That’s also a form of energy. Right? Well, just stick your fingers in that outlet! You can’t see that current, but what do you think will happen?”.

As you read this, right now, powerful energy is flowing through and around you. Just like radio waves, this energy is invisible. This energy flows through certain energy nodes in your body and it is in fact measurable. These energy nodes are also known as “chakras” and this energy affects your mental, spiritual, and emotional states.

When your chakras are fully open, the flow of that energy is good. When they are closed, or a little bit closed, it causes problems because you get an accumulation. There are then parts of you that get too much, and other parts that get too little, of that energy.

Just like an artery

It works much like an artery. When it is clogged, your blood no longer flows properly and you are guaranteed to have (serious) problems. When a chakra is clogged, the energy no longer flows properly and you also get problems.

The ‘difficult’ thing for some people is often that a vein is physically visible and a chakra is not.

Blood that doesn’t flow properly anymore is easily measurable, but energy that gets blocked is often less visible. But that doesn’t mean the problem isn’t there.


When a chakra is blocked, it is like a kinked garden hose. Water still seeps through, but it drips, instead of flowing through with force.

When one or more of your chakras are blocked, the amount of energy you have available is limited. It is your life energy that is flowing worse. And that has a greater effect on you than you imagine.

If the fuel supply in a car gets worse and worse, the car won’t drive as well, and when this problem is not fixed, it will ultimately stop working.

How to actually measure Chakra energy?

qi levenskracht levensenergie chakras

Of the 114 chakras you have, 7 are the most important.

Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, the founder of the International Association for Religion and Parapsychology, says, “We can define the chakra as an energy center that turns like a wheel and opens like a flower.”

Dr. Motoyama has dedicated his scientific work to bridging the worlds of the scientific and the spiritual. To this end, he developed an instrument (AMI) that can measure chakra energy changes.

This instrument works by being able to detect small electrical, magnetic, and optical changes around the body as a person focuses their attention on the chakras.

Professor Valerie Hunt used an instrument to measure the electrical activity of the muscles at the sites of the chakras. She wrote the book Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness.

What Hunt discovered she called “mystical personalities” because she could measure higher levels of human electromagnetic energy. This happened once the subjects focused on their chakras.

And with these studies, it was scientifically proven that chakras and the energy that flows through them are a reality.

Martial arts (Dim Mak), based on blocking life force

That Qi exists and is very important is also proven by a technique used in a certain Chinese martial art. The technique is called Dim Mak, also called “Deadly Touch”.

What happens during a Dim Mak is that with a quick soft tap on a particular chakra, the Qi flow at that point is completely blocked at once. And this is so serious that people who receive this tap are immediately disabled.

It is a biomechanical reaction, which means that in a split second they can do nothing. If this Dim Mak is not lifted soon, the chances are very high that this person will die within hours to days. Therefore, a Dim Mak should always be lifted immediately afterward, because the consequences can be catastrophic.

What I want to demonstrate with this is how important it is that your Qi should be able to flow properly.

Top 7 problems when your life force is (partially) blocked

When one or more chakras are blocked, you can feel or notice it.

    Anxiety, lack of discipline, lack of strength, and stamina
    Impotence, fear of enjoyment, other sexual problems
    Shame, low self-esteem, inability to relax, emotional instability
    Not empathetic, inability to love yourself and others.
    Difficulty expressing yourself, fear of speaking
    Anxiety, lack of discipline, low strength, and stamina
    Narrow-minded, materialistic

Further complaints

  • headache
  • bronchitis
  • presbyopia (reading glasses)
  • eye complaints
  • excess weight
  • (chronic) fatigue
  • forms of ADHD or PDD-NOS in children

But also emotional and/or psychological complaints such as burn-out, insecurity, and problems with communication or sexuality, to name but a few can be caused by a less good energy flow of one or more chakras.

If you have one or more of these types of complaints, it may be that you are suffering from a (partially) blocked energy flow.

Fortunately, you can quickly open your chakras at home and make them 100% healthy with these two special audio downloads:

  • Chakra Healing Guided Meditation
  • Bring your chakras into balance

This beautiful combination of two sessions takes you by the hand, as it were, and guides you through the whole process, bringing your chakras into optimal condition. All you have to do is listen.

When you regularly listen to both of these sessions you can solve many problems simply at home.

It’s an excellent way to create more balance in your life and address mental and physical problems and solve them quickly. In addition, both sessions are wonderfully deeply relaxing.

Download This Awesome 2-Pack Now

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